In a market of ‘rare opportunity’ where everyone’s encouraged to ‘act now’ so they ‘don’t miss out’, the challenge becomes standing out for the right reasons – as a community you’ll be proud to be a part of.
After several years in the market, Waterford County had established a genuine community, with a host of facilities including a new school. It needed a brand refresh to help tell this story, highlighting the developer’s personal approach to creating a vibrant community.
During our research, we found the people living and working there were the biggest asset. The stories we listened to, or read on the Facebook page, told of people who cared about each other and the place where they lived. The solution was a no-brainer.
A ‘selfie’ theme starring actual residents enjoying the lifestyle established Waterford as a place ‘where it’s personal’. We held a community day and were inundated with locals young and young at heart wanting to be part of the campaign and super-eager to snap a selfie for us. You can’t fake authenticity and with this campaign for Waterford County we didn’t have to.
Shots taken care of, we brightened up the colour palette for a fresh suite of brochures, press, billboards and estate signage, then radio, television commercials, online video content with testimonials and web ads. We also tweaked the website user experience, integrating Google Maps so every homesite can be individually located and inspected.
We’re happy to report the enquiry rate went through the roof, with social media extensions expanding the campaign. Stages easily sold out. It went so well, their nearest competitor came and bought everything left. Can’t fake that, either.