Reflections Holiday Parks
Nature never felt so good
Thirty-seven parks under four brands needed some branding consolidation. A change is as good as a holiday!
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The challenge

one identity to rule them all

Operating 37 holiday parks in three distinct NSW regions under three individual brands was getting a bit more complicated than it needed to be for NSW Crown Holiday Parks Trust. With competition increasing, they turned to us to help them rebrand all the parks under one cohesive identity. They wanted to unify the parks, streamline their marketing, differentiate them from competitors and attract more visitors but not alienate their existing guests.

But, did we mention the 37 parks were located on the North Coast, South Coast and inland too? The trick would be figuring out what they all had in common…

What we did


We love it when we get a good brief! And these guys gave us just that. The quintessential Australian camping and caravan holiday pretty much involves heading to the water. For a lot of us, that means making a beeline to the coast. So, we knew the North and South Coast parks had something in common, but what about the inland ones? Turns out each one was an oasis, placed perfectly next to a dam. And not little ones either – Wyangala Dam, for instance, has a surface area two and half times the size of Sydney Harbour.

The other differentiator is their amazing Crown land locations – pristine, unique and all-natural. These are not private operators just out for profit, but parks for the public good that are maintained and improved for everyone to enjoy. In an age of ‘nature-deficit disorder’ where the more high-tech we become the more nature we need, they aim to create natural experiences for visitors that they will remember for a lifetime.

Nature never felt so good - Business Cards Nature never felt so good - Brochure
Nature never felt so good - Cards Nature never felt so good - Brochure

Reflect, relax and recharge

The name ‘Reflections’ was already in the mix and tested well against other name suggestions. It’s natural and organic sounding, sophisticated but not elitist, conjuring ideas of family, memories, experiences. Because the name talks strongly about memories, the tag line concentrates more on nature and fun experiences. ‘Nature never felt so good’ is an expression of the joy that only comes from immersing yourself in the natural environment.

Nature never felt so good - Brochure

Working in strong collaboration with our client, water lilies were an early theme for the logo to push the natural and water themes. After many iterations, we settled on a top view abstract interpretation of a water lily. It came out on top because it can also be interpreted in other ways, such as an abstract camp fire, a flower symbolising nature/environment, water craft shapes (kayak/surfboard) and even the sun or a star to fully capture the whole holiday experience. There are five colours in the primary palette, three warm colours for the days spent in the sun and night-time camp fires and two cool that capture the refreshment of the water and crispness of the bush.

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Thank you for your ongoing support of our mission to transform traditional caravan and camping parks on Crown land into the most desirable destinations for NSW families. We look forward to working together with your team on future projects.

Steve Edmonds
CEO, Reflections Holiday Parks
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Your team has been instrumental in turning this project around, and helping us to deliver a brand we can all be proud of… We consider you all an extension of Reflections Holiday Parks, and look forward to future collaborations in the months and years ahead.

Kat (Katarzyna) Ringrose
Marketing & Partnerships Manager

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  • Brand Strategy