Selfie with PM: Album Easy!
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Selfie with PM: Album Easy!

A simple yet powerful gesture. In a world cluttered with digital noise, a well-conceived, heartfelt message can still make waves, connecting businesses with their communities in meaningful ways. Photos courtesy of Newcastle Herald | Marina Neil.

In the world of marketing, the term “PR stunt” often conjures images of grandiose spectacles or controversial antics designed to grab headlines.

However, the essence of a truly impactful “PR stunt”  lies not in its extravagance but in its timeliness, relevance, and ability to connect with the community on a personal level.

This was exemplified recently when a spur-of-the-moment idea turned into a widely talked-about event, leveraging the visit of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to Newcastle.

Seizing the Moment

The journey began with a spark of inspiration from Marty, known for his ‘out there’ ideas. Learning that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, affectionately known as “Albo,” was due to speak at the Business Hunter Nexus Event in Newcastle—shortly after news broke of his engagement—Marty saw a golden opportunity.

The plan? A full-page “Congrats Albo” ad in the Newcastle Herald, celebrating both his personal milestone and drawing attention to the attributes of our wonderful city – then doing the mission impossible move of getting a signed copy of the ad from Albo himself.

congrats albo newcastle herald ad - anothony albanese visits newcastle

BOLD MOVES & A Swift Execution

The heat was on! The timeline was tight, and the stakes were high!

By Thursday, 1pm, we were on a mission. In a whirlwind of creativity and efficiency, we secured a full-page slot in The Newcastle Herald, and by 3pm, the artwork was sent off, ready for the next day’s publication.

Friday morning The Herald greeted us with our message blazed across the newspaper, a bold statement of community engagement and celebration – We did it!

The ad’s publication was swiftly followed by the Business Hunter NEXUS event that very night where Albo was attending.

Acknowledgments were already pouring in, affirming the buzz we’d hoped to create.

The Mission? A Personal Touch.

The real challenge lay ahead–to present the ad to Albo himself.

At the Business Hunter Nexus Event, amidst influential figures from the regional business community, we set our sights on achieving a signed memento.

Post-speech, armed with determination (and a bit of charm), we succeeded! The moment was more than a selfie opportunity; it was a personal connection, underscored by prior endorsements from local dignitaries including Sharon Claydon Newcastle MP and Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes, who had shared our ad with Albo that very morning.

Anthony Albanese In Newcastle Nexus Business Event
Anthony Albanese In Newcastle Nexus Business Event

THE Ripple Effects

The impact was immediate and far-reaching. Our social media metrics soared, with now over 250 likes on facebook and counting and over 6 thousand impressions across LinkedIn reflecting a wide-reaching approval and engagement.

The Newcastle Herald’s subsequent coverage amplified our message, casting a spotlight on a simple yet powerful gesture.


Why did it work?

This bold move transcended traditional advertising, tapping into the zeitgeist with a mix of personal congratulations and public engagement

It wasn’t just about the boldness of taking out a full-page ad; it was the context, timing, and heartfelt nature of the message that resonated.

Key takeaways for your business

We wouldn’t suggest a business to do anything we wouldn’t do ourselves and this was no exception.
This experience underscores several lessons for any business eyeing similar ventures.

Here’s our breakdown of how you can make it achievable too:

Look for the opportunity
We check the news every morning to see what’s happening in the world and what’s happening in our community – We believe every insight is an opportunity to help achieve our vision ‘To help Newcastle become a global success story’.

Timeliness & Relevance
Aligning your opportunity and insight with current events and public sentiment can significantly amplify its impact. In our case it was the Business Hunter NEXUS event.

Community Connection
Engaging with the community on a personal or emotional level can turn a simple message into a shared moment. Our selfie was that moment (A one in a million, perfectly timed moment!)

Strategic Execution
Even the boldest idea requires meticulous planning and coordination to execute effectively.

Team Effort
Such endeavours are collaborative at their core, relying on the diverse skills and efforts of the entire team.


From idea and design to the event and the end of night selfie. Our “Congrats Albo” gesture turned out to be more than a ‘PR stunt’; it was a bold move and a testament to the power of community engagement, timely action, and the human touch in marketing.


It serves as a reminder to seize the moment in a world cluttered with digital noise, a well-conceived, heartfelt message can still make waves, connecting businesses with their communities in meaningful ways.

If you are looking to do something that takes your business out of its comfort zone and make some ripples in your visibility we’re here to help.

Drop us a line and let’s see what’s possible together.